Computer Science 1

Hello my name is Aidan Lim and this is my webpage for GITA 1.
In this course we learned C# and used it in Visual Studios.
I'm new to coding but I have learned a lot
throughout this school year.

Visual Studios Download

Future Career Goals:
I do not have a current career goal currently,
but I want to work towards the medical or technological pathway.

Future Educational Goals:
I currently have a goal of attending UC Berkeley or Standford
since I want to expand my knowledge in the medical field.

Clubs & Community Service:
I am currently in clubs such as Key Club, Red Cross, and Korean Club.
In Key Club we paricipate in community service to help clean the environment or help the need.
In Red Cross we do such things as blood drive and helping others who lack medical needs.

What is GITA about?
Gita is about teaching students about the computer science world.
We are able to experience real life technology while applying in to our own projects and
work towards helping contributing our own ideas to the real world.

Goodbye Program

Date: 8/24/23

In this project we learned how to make buttons that said goodbye in that language

About Page

Date: 8/25/23

In this project we make an about page of our company and have buttons that show information.

Mailing Label

Date: 9/6/23

In this project we make a mailing label using information that is put in by the user.


Date: 9/8/23

In this project we make a madlibs that generates a funny story using user input.

Car Rental

Date: 9/13/23

In this project we make calculations using inputs such as miles driven, days used, etc. These are used to find the total cost.

Test Scores


In this project we tell the user what letter grade they get from the percentage the user inputs. It also tells which test score is higher.

Car Rental Upgrade

Date: 9/29/23

In this project we expand on the car rental program by adding different calculations for each car. Users also have the choice to add addons that have their own value.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Date: 10/3/23

In this project I had to calculate a person's bmi using information from the user. After I would tell them a meal plan to maintain a healthy bmi.

Dice Program

Date: 10/10/23

In this project it rolls a random pair of dice and as the program is used it tells the probabilities of each roll.

Craps Game

Date: 10/12/23

This project is a recreation of Crap Games.

Slot Machines

Date: 10/27/23

In this project it randomly rolls 3 different slots and lets you bet money. The money keeps adding up from loses until you win the grand prize.

Taco Shop

Date: 11/7/23

In this project it acts as a taco shop and allows the user to make different combinations of taco. They are allowed to add addons and price varies.

Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock

Date: 11/16/23

It allows two players to play the classic rock, paper, scissor, but with spock and lizard.

Stair Walker

Date: 11/30/23

This makes an animation of a person randomly going up or down the stairs, with a monster or ghost behind a door.

2D Submarine

Date: 1/18/24

This makes an animation of a two submarines that randomly move around and when it bumps into too many objects it sinks to the bottom.


Date: 1/25/24

This is a classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Each player is trying to make a 3 in row with their shape in a 3x3 grid.

Basic AI

Date: 2/8/24

This project has two characters with one of them being able to be controlled by person. The other one is able to move on its own. The goal is to earn a high score by the end of the timer and it also ends when there is no health.

Star Field

Date: 2/20/24

This creates an illusion of someone traveling through space with stars randomly growing and moving away from view.

Fish Simulator

Date: 3/12/24

This has many fishes moving around randomly with a predator that also moves around randomly. The goal is to capture the most fish while the predator is also hunting.

Bee Simulator

Date: 3/20/24

A bee randomly appear when the space bar is pressed. The bee travels to the flower then the hive and disappears.

The Labyrinth

Date: 5/23/24

This is GITA 1's final project where the player has go through a series of minigames to win.

BOHS Website
Phone Number: (714) 990-7850
Address: 789 N Wildcat Way
Brea, CA 92821